November 17, 2007

good bye twenties. you were lots of fun. we rocked out in a praise band and went on fun spring break trips to florida. we finished out college at a fancy university in the cushy part of St. Louis. to accomplish that, we worked summers at a factory and even delivered mattresses for extra cash. that helped since we got into a real ivy-league graduate school. As a result, we traded in the midwest for the east coast and lasted through all three years of architecture school, with a masters degree to show for it. This included great summers exploring New York City, plus a few trips to places like Los Angeles, Upstate New York+ Connecticut+Pennsylvania, London, and all over the Netherlands. we struck out into the work force and learned a ton from two design firms while working on houses, apartments, showrooms, and offices. we started and finished the minimum 3-years of internship hours and passed the first few exams on the way to becoming an honest-to-goodness professional; we're 2/9th of the way there! we found a great church in times square, joined the choir, and sang on Broadway three times a week (in church services, of course). This took us to South America, the heart of Times Square, and twice to parts of Africa. thanks for the adventures.

thirties, top that!


  1. I would say that's quit a story to tell! Flowery too! Who would have thought serving God would take you around the world! I am sure you aren't done traveling yet either!

  2. Where did you get that cake?

  3. the cake is from my bosses + coworkers, from Cupcake Cafe.
