January 30, 2007

i think the picture says it all.

we spent our last few hours in puerto rico [over]eating an amazing meal at Pamela's on Ocean Park Beach. sooooo good.

this dog seems to be a regular at Pamela's. He had the puppy-dog eyes and why-won't-you-give-me-a-table-scrap look down pat. I think his thickness proves his begging abilities; he was pretty much rectangularly shaped with four little legs splayed out from his body. The waiters spoke to him (i didn't understand the spanish) and gave him a water bowl at one point. And when they cleared our plates, he hedged his bets and waddled closer to another table that still had their food.

January 15, 2007

okay... i'm signed up to take my first architect's exam. a friend convinced me to schedule the same test so we could study together. i hadn't even started to prepare for it, but i guess a looming test date is the best incentive to start. so now i'm taking spare moments to read through a study guide. this stuff is pretty dry, so i sometimes end up falling asleep.

i was just thinking that i should probably just announce when i have successfully passed each exam, thereby avoiding any embarrassment should i fail them. oh, well. i can take it.

wish me luck!

January 2, 2007

once again, santa brought me almost everything on my christmas list. i guess the flat screen HDTV i asked for was too big for the chimney because i couldn't find it anywhere. i know it was a tough year, but i don't think high fuel costs should affect someone with flying reindeer.

But thanks everyone for your gifts. B+T, the meat tenderizer you gave me made it through airport security in my checked bag. Holly+Chris, the headphones kick, and i can't wait to peruse itunes to spend the GC. Mom, thanks for finding that gift you forgot to wrap. sorry dad i didn't love the shirt, but now YOU get to wear it! Anna, the pretzels rule. Marshalls, i can't wait to wear my homemade FruitbytheFoot stickers.

Thanks for a great stay in She-Vegas/Sure-Boredom/Sheboygan. It was above freezing probably the entire time, and that single hour of sunshine was a real treat. Thanks too for the extra five, six pounds from the constant eating and loads of christmas goodies around the house. i thought of you this morning at the gym.