July 28, 2005

today, though thursday, should really be friday. i should not have to work on fridays during the summer.

i saw the bird man yesterday. he's this guy, probably in his late 20's / early 30's, who goes around with a big feather strapped to his forehead making loud birdcalls. I don't think he's trying to attract birds; i think he's just nuts! Well, he might actually be a bike messanger or something. The noises he makes are really quite startling. They'd work well to get people out of his way and alert cars in close proximity. Yesterday he started out with a WHOO-LALALALALALALALA at the top of his lungs as he rode down the street. It sounded like the African yell/cheer that I heard a lot when i was in Zambia. Then he switched to a loud CAW-CAW.... CAW-CAW. It's shocking, then funny, then slightly annoying.

I love New York.

July 25, 2005

hot mommas, it's hot! even the beach was hot this weekend. i was there only four hours before i called it a day, although i had some errands to run and a silly notion that i could get back to the city for a barbeque. There's usually a cool breeze off the water, but on saturday the wind blew from the shore. The water was sooo refreshing, but the wacky wind, though strong, meant no waves.

i'm taking a break from the book i'm rereading because rebecca just lent me her copy of the latest Harry Potter. I hope it's good (for a kids books, right?). well it didn't cost me anything.

I've been doodling a lot recently trying to put something togther for a retirement house on the family farm. (not for me, obviously.) It's funny how you can make everything work out nicely in a sketch. Now i have to st down and see if the hardline versions still work. but it's summer, and so dang hot. maybe tomorrow i'll start. :)

July 22, 2005

Christina and Judith made yellow-cake cupcakes last night. They didn't have frosting, so we made some powdered sugar frosting and i melted some chocolate chips ont top of some for chocolate frosting. not gourmet, but still tasty.

Ryan finally managed to drag himself away from work so we could watch some more "24" last night. I'm going to lose a lot of sleep becasue of those DVDs. We have three seasons of shows to watch, and it's too hard to just watch one at a time. you've GOT to find out what happens next!

well, it's been hot all week. Time to hit the beach tomorrow. Ry adn C went today those lucky...

July 14, 2005

This morning at the gym I saw a few of what must be my favorite tv commercials, at least for the moment. The first is the AARP commercial featuring Mr. Yang volunteering all over town, made possible after he somehow cloned himself. I love to watch his wife react as she wakes up to multiple copies of her husband.

But even better is the coffee creamery commercial showing grumpy people. There's the woman who grimaces at the smiley face pin before dropping it in the trash; the woman who doesn't hold the elevator; the woman who hoses down the paperboy on his bike; and in the long version, the girl that nonchalantly pushes a stack of documents onto the floor as she walks by a table at work. I love it. Too bad I always see the short version of that commercial.

I hope the other folks at the gym don't think I'm too weird when I crack up laughing on the elliptical machine, because I can't help it.

July 12, 2005

church just started, but i'm at work. deadlines suck! how to finish all this drawing? 12 hours at work yesterday.

humid heat hovering in the high nineties, but office temp more for polar bears, well that sucks too.

coworker sharing world-famous cheesecake from soho... that rules!

check out my pics from FLW's Fallingwater and from my family reunion. they're on my main site.