December 20, 2005

the strike is on. subways and buses are not running starting today, so all 8 million of us are suffering. I rode my bike to work and went half-numb in the process. when i got to the manhattan side of the williamsburg bridge, the Red Cross was there serving hot drinks to all the walkers, cyclists, and rollerblader (i only saw one). one of my room mates planned to walk over the bridge but got picked up on the way, probably because cars can't enter manhattan unless there are at least four people in it. another friend had to get the airport today. she offered the driver a $70 fare, but halfway there said it was going to be $150! what a scam. The best is my coworker who just stayed home. he's the smart one. i'm sooooo jealous.

December 15, 2005

growing up, my brother often made fun of me because he said i put my feet up in the air while i slept. you know, one knee sticks up, and you cross you other leg. well, it looks funny when you do it under your covers. it's like a big tent.

recently i've been sitting up in bed and falling asleep with my chin dipped down. then i wake up, probably when my neck gets tired, and think, "what the heck?" and then lay back down and go back to sleep. it's really quite obnoxious. i wonder why i do it. am i subconsciously trying to make myself get out of bed?

December 7, 2005

i entertain myself. for instance, i just tricked myself with email again. you see, i often email internet links or small pics or notes to myself... you know, things that i come across at work that i want to remember or have at home or come back to later. so i send the email, and soon after my computer beeps telling me that i have new mail. but it's like i forget that i had just sent something to myself. instead, i'm always like, "oh, new mail! i wonder what it is?" and then i see that it's from me. doh! i'm an idiot.

December 2, 2005

being friday and all, i was perusing the internet when i came across a few news stories that seem to support this idea. First is the story in the New York Times ( about scientists finding pockets of methane haze on Titan, one of Saturn's moons. Then the idea came together when i saw this funny story about where methane (can) come from. this one's for you, ryan: (from

HEADLINE: Scientists working on cure for gassy cows; Food additive could reduce methane emissions dramatically

STORY: LONDON - Cows belching and breaking wind cause methane pollution, but British scientists say they have developed a diet to make pastures smell like roses — almost. (...)

A 12-month commercial and scientific evaluation of the additive has just begun, but he said if it proves successful it could be a boon to cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions.

“In total around 14 percent of global methane comes from the guts of farm animals. It is worth doing something about,” Wallace said. Other big sources of methane are landfills, coal mines, rice paddies and bogs. (...)

In New Zealand the government in 2003 proposed a flatulence tax, with methane emitted by farm animals responsible for more than half the country’s greenhouse gases. The plan was ultimately withdrawn after widespread protests. (IT CONTINUES)

too funny... farting cows are destroying the earth! AHHHHHH! i guess i knew about this, but seeing the story was just too funny. and maybe there ARE cows in space.