February 26, 2008

My coworker just showed me a blog that is posting old garfield cartoons that have been altered to remove the Garfield and Odie characters. Once you do this, you're just left with Jon talking to himself. He had a pitiful existence to begin with, but now he's really funny.

here's the link: click

February 5, 2008

it's primary election day in New York. And even though i was running a little late this morning --lots of "Rock Band" at my apartment last night--i made sure to swing by my neighborhood school to vote.

i never got a voting notice in the mail, so i didn't know what district i was in. this would mean standing in line to find out before going to my specified voting booth to stand in line again. But on the way to the school i passed my roommate who was coming back from voting. as we passed i thought to ask what district we were and she remembered. whoo-hoo! i could skip the frst line at least.

when i found my station and my turn came up to register my signature, the advanced-in-age ladies told me three times that i wasn't listed in the book! i had to keep spelling my last name for them -- H-O-M-E-R. then they started writing me up as a democrat. this i knew to look out for since the same thing happened to me last time i voted. "oh, he's a REPUBLICAN!" they exclaimed after i corrected the one filling out the voter cards and showed them both the REP next to my name.

and of course the young guy working with these ladies had already set the booth for democrat - more wrong assumptions. so i had to wait for the next person in line to vote and reset the machine. but the girl next in line couldn't vote until all of this was understood by the lady filling out the cards and the lady looking up the signatures. WOW! what a test of patience first thing in the morning.

February 4, 2008

while at a jobsite this morning i noticed a plumber seemed to be talking to himself as he was up on a ladder in the corner of the room. i didn't see a cell phone, either. hmmmm.... okay, whatever, right?

i moved on to other things. i okay'd a light fixture installation in the other room with the electrician. i talked with the carpenters about a wall niche they needed to make for a giant flatscreen TV. then i looked around for anything that seemed to be out of place. that's my job.

then i double-take as i see two legs squirming out of a hole high up on the kitchen wall. it was funny too because he wasn't going in or out, but just squirming around. i guess the plumber was actually talking to someone earlier, and wasn't just crazy. this other guy had somehow shimmied into the wall, which is up pretty high, and had crawled back above the ceiling of the neighbor's apartment.

i thought it was hilarious.