May 11, 2007

Controversial ABCs:

Animal testing: For or against?
For, within reason.
Bush, President George W.: Like him or dislike? Both.
Corporeal Punishment: Yes or no? No.
Death Penalty: Yes or no? No.
Euthanasia: Yes or no? No.
Flag burning: Okay or not? Not good, but allowed.
Global Warming: Exists or not? Not as bad as they make it out to be.
Harry Potter: Read it or not? Read it.
Iraq: Stay or get out? Finish it, then get out.
Jam: Strawberry or Grape? Raspberry.
Kids (do you want them if you don't already have them): Yes or no? Yes.
Legalization of Marijuana: Yes or no? No?
Minimum wage: Raised or not? Don't know.
Nuclear weapons: Should they be banned or not? Is that even possible?
Operating System: Windows or Mac or Linux? Both, that's what i have.
Politics: Which party? GOP, but don't feel any obligation.
Quebec: should be own country or not? Don't know.
Routine Infant Circumcision: For or against? Don't know.
Stem cell research: For or against? Against using fetal stem cells.
Tobacco: Illegal or not? Not. but it's disgusting.
UN: good or bad? Good idea, bad execution.
Vaccinations: All, some, or none? All.
Wal-mart: Great store or Evil Empire? Both.
Extra-terrestrials: Yes or no? No.
Year round school: yes or no? Sure.
Zero Tolerance: Good idea or not? Not.

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