December 3, 2004

it's officially holiday shopping season. so i guess i have to buy stuff for OTHER people. while a lot of people have finished their 'to-buy' lists, i've just started today. so far i've only bought presents that can be had online... i wonder if i'll actually do any in-person shopping. we'll have to see. i know i have more internet buying to do, but maybe something 'live' will come up. i would have bought something at the store, but getting it on the internet meant no sales tax (and there was no shipping) and i did't have to lug it to my house, or home for christmas. brilliant.

unfortunately (it took three attempts to type that word correctly) every saturday for the past few weeks we've had lousy shopping weather. and tommorrow (sat.) it's supposed to rain. i think i need a day off work just to shop. well, not really, but it would be nice.

oh yeah, i started a new job this week. everything is different, and it's going really well, thanks. And although i've just started, i'm still getting a generous christmas vacation. and my new location should give me greater access to christmas shopping. i went from middle of no-where to middle of everthing. i'm lovin' it.

it's f-f-f-freezing outside, so maybe we'll see some snow sometime soon. i can't wait, actually.

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