November 19, 2008

Mies Van de Rohe (the cat) is saying, "I love you Macbook Pro!" i do the same thing with mine at home.

My coworkers and i probably spend too much time taking pictures of the cats, but they do such weird things. and the catfights (literally) are too much fun to break up.

Mies loves to lick plastic, scratch his face up against super sharp edges, and lay right on the middle of the drawings you're looking at, especially during a client meeting.

The other cat is Marcel Breuer, who is deaf. He likes to cry these horrendous moaning noises when he is bored, hungry, can't find someone, or just ate. He also enjoys clamping his fangs into the back of Mies's neck, posing with his front paws crossed, and sitting in your lap.

somehow we get some architecture done as well.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I'm sure you do nuzzle your macbook!

    Cats, while mostly annoying, are also quite funny to watch - especially when embarrassing themselves.
