March 11, 2004

it's come to my attention that i am not very consistent with my blogging. i guess i forget that people might actually be reading this. sorry.

the three-day fast ended well. that last day, though, my tummy protested once in a while if i accidentally started dreaming about food. i tried to avoid the thought of food and what i was going to eat once it was over. i thought i was getting lasagna from my roomies, but they didn't come through. it was for the best though, since the tomato soup that i had was a better way to ease back into eating.

the services each night were great. we sang a sort of off-the-cuff song service. the pastors interrupted a lot with things to pray for. we usually had a ten minute sermon, tops, and the rest of the time was spent praying. We prayed collectively, independently, in groups, out loud, and quietly (well, mostly loudly) for purity in our lives, against fear of sharing our faith, and similar topics.

but now my computer got sick. i have to figure out how to get past these stop errors. they can be pretty devastating. and i don't know if this is related or not, but i'm sick too. i almost didn't come in to work today--i've been saying that i need a day off--but i was feeling better today, and it is payday; you don't want to miss that, right?

what i really need is a trip to the beach.... ahhhhh.

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