July 25, 2005

hot mommas, it's hot! even the beach was hot this weekend. i was there only four hours before i called it a day, although i had some errands to run and a silly notion that i could get back to the city for a barbeque. There's usually a cool breeze off the water, but on saturday the wind blew from the shore. The water was sooo refreshing, but the wacky wind, though strong, meant no waves.

i'm taking a break from the book i'm rereading because rebecca just lent me her copy of the latest Harry Potter. I hope it's good (for a kids books, right?). well it didn't cost me anything.

I've been doodling a lot recently trying to put something togther for a retirement house on the family farm. (not for me, obviously.) It's funny how you can make everything work out nicely in a sketch. Now i have to st down and see if the hardline versions still work. but it's summer, and so dang hot. maybe tomorrow i'll start. :)

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