January 11, 2005

I'm back, and better than ever. i don't even know what that means. Take it in lieu of an excuse of why i haven't posted in so long.

I guess I've just been working harder than I needed to at my old job. And I'm not working by my lonesome anymore. Now i can just talk to keith instead of write to you. ha, ha... I sound pathetic. Well, I'm okay with that.

Strange thing happened the other day. I was looking through the Oct/Nov issue of "Dwell" magazine. A photography spread of locales from the seventies had a picture of Miami Beach, Florida taken on my birthday - THE actual day I was born. I did a double take on that one. "Wow, look, my birthday... whoa, it really IS my birthday." and the pic showed a nice day too.

Unlike the present. I mean, how many cloudy rainy days can you take? I need a vacation from this misery. Except I'm actually fine. I can take it. and only two hours until i leave work to go to church. I just hope that i'm more awake there that i am right now.

The apartment got some new digs this weekend, if that makes sense. I'll explain: I finally got curtains up on my ginormous (jye-NORM-us) bedroom windows. (the windows are big, not the bedroom.) I also splurged on a down quilt and found a great chopping block for the kitchen. The roomies also did well and got a pair of stools for the counter. They're beauties. (The stools, not the... am i going to get in trouble now?)

I'm also contemplating some cheap surround sound speakers. Yeah, i might as well, right? I deserve it!

1 comment:

  1. Let's see the stools; you do have a digital, right?
